Schools’ Campaign

Schools’ Campaign

A small number of church schools in Malta are participating in a pilot project which seeks to promote general well-being in schools through healthy habits. Healthy Children: Show better academic performance Have fewer behaviour problems Have positive attitudes Gain food experience (food literacy)...
The Project

The Project

The project is entitled “Targeting Obesity as a National Disability through a Community Pharmacist Driven Approach”. Commensurate with the stipulated goals of improving and protecting health and well-being through a focus on prevention, health promotion, and earlier intervention, this projec...
Ho Ho Ho Christmas is here

Ho Ho Ho Christmas is here

Now that December is here, the Christmas season is literally just round the corner.  Traditionally the families meet up – uncles, aunties, cousins and relatives that we have not seen for a long time reunite to celebrate.  This is the time of year we generally associate with two main things: pre...