Choose Well! Keep Clean!

Size Matters! 

Bottle size is of essence because we need to provide enough water for a child during school. For primary school aged children (5 years up), the recommended daily water intake is 1280ml. Considering they spend 50% and more of their awake time in school at this age the bottle size needs to be at least 650ml. Of course, this does not apply if there is free water access in school and the child can help himself. An alternative would be to supply your child with two (2) standard sized bottles. These usually hold up to 330ml of liquid.

Remember that your child might be shy and not ask the teacher to refill the bottle thus it is your responsibility to ensure you supply enough.

Clear is Better! 

We recommend that you purchase a clear see through bottle as this will enable you and the teacher too know whether the child’s bottle is empty or full. It is recommended that all schools should encourage the purchase of this type of bottle and that both teachers and parents lead by example in drinking water in front of the children from clear bottles so that the children may observe good habit of drinking enough.

Clean is a Must!

Parents need to ensure that bottles especially the spout and any removable parts are thoroughly clean as besides the settling of germs this results in altering the taste of water making it unpleasant for the child to drink. Furthermore, some bottles have spouts and straws that can be replaced avoiding the need to buy a whole bottle.

Additional Information!

Further guidance in Maltese on the importance of water and how to flavour it may be found by clicking on the link here Ixrob l-Ilma